Delivering Impact at Scale

Building a future that leaves no one behind

From the onset, Vivriti has created significant impact by channelising debt capital to catalyse the vast potential of India’s mid-market enterprises and thereby bringing parity within India’s debt markets. Our loan and investment books are oriented to building a financially dynamic India by supporting entrepreneurship in the country. In our path ahead, I envision Vivriti Group to help realize India’s social potential aligned with its credit growth story
- Vineet Sukumar, Founder & CEO

Impact in Numbers



Total number of lives impacted



Number of micro-entrepreneurs assisted by our portfolio companies



Number of small and medium businesses financed



Number of rural mobility solutions financed



Of the above, share of female lives



share of loans from our portfolio companies in backward states of India

Impact Outlook: What, How & Why?

Why Impact?

We, at Vivriti, are developing the ecosystem for India’s performing credit economy. VAM comprises a dual mandate to achieve attractive risk-adjusted financial returns alongside measurable, positive societal impact.

Through impact measurement of our investments, we are able to better understand whether the transformation we are striving for is indeed taking place, helping us reclaim why we exist to do what we do.

What is Impact measurement?

As an ongoing process, Vivriti measures impact –

  • To quantify the impact created through Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  • To disclose the impact metrics to all relevant stakeholders
  • To evaluate the impact outcomes to ensure that it is aligned with our impact investment thesis
How do we measure Impact?

VAM has selected impact-oriented KPIs to measure and monitor portfolio performance by adopting the four-way impact pathway, also referred to as theory of change –

  • To determine how our business activities drive outcomes
  • To understand both positive and negative impact from an investment
  • To develop a framework to mitigate the negative and maximise the positive impact
  • To measure the scale of impact

Impact Intent at Vivriti

Investing in a better future

Vivriti’s investments contribute to India’s growth story through alignment and commitment to the UN SDGs


Helping end poverty in all its forms by improving last-mile access to finance.

End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.

Achieving gender equality and empowering women through financial independence.

Building affordable, reliable and sustainable sources of energy.

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

Building resilient infrastructure, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization and fostering innovation.

Reducing inequalities through efficient allocation of capital.

Promoting sustainable consumption and production patterns.

Promoting environment-friendly practices to combat climate change and its impacts.

Fund-wise SDGs targeted

Fund name


No Poverty


Zero Hunger


Gender Equality


Affordable & Clean energy


Decent work & Economic growth


Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure


Reduced Inequalities


Responsible consumption & production


Climate Action

Vivriti Samarth Bond Fund

Vivriti Short term bond Fund

Vivriti Alpha Debt Fund

Alpha Debt Fund - Enhanced

Emerging Corporate Bond Fund

Investor Testimonials